Green  thinking



Drastic reduction of carbon emission and costs

One of the main drivers in IT (companies and departments) is the energy consumption. In future prices for energy will increase even further. Significantly reduction of maintenance intensity saving of OPEX costs. Decrease of new invests.

Worlds lowest
energy consumption

We developed an air-cooled server system with maximum and stable performance values. In the same time with only max. 3% cooling energy consumption (PUE), vs 45% PUE, min 8 times lower power usage and costs compared to all previously used and known systems; no water cooling needed.


An innovation that takes all known and future industries and infrastructures to the next level including: electric car industry, AI, autonomous driving, the financial industry, mass data management and all existing and future digital infrastructures.

25 years experience in specialist engineers construction and
IT-Systems [Hard- & Software]

S u s t e n e r g y - T e c

A team of engineers, IT experts and economists dealt with the idea and at the same time today's problems with energy-efficient blockchain technologies that should improve the world, the way of working, trading, the financial market, but what is currently not efficient and is not possible without horrendous energy consumption, water cooling and large-scale plant installations.

Read Whitepaper


Server & IT-Systems

PUE 1.03

Power Usage Effectiveness


Reduce emission

Our portfolio of services

Product description

Join the team, safe the world and get a license

We offer licenses for our patented data center technology, individually negotiated and adapted to your needs. Full usage of all advantages for your company to grow your business to become the world leader in data center efficiency.

Let's check the potential of your data center

We offer consulting for your existing and new planned data center architecture and projects. Let's talk about and calculate how much you can save in carbon emission and costs with the world changing technology.

We can construct IT

If you want to construct or re-construct your data centers we would be happy to assist with more than 25 years of special engineer experience. On top our lead-engineer is publicy appointed and sworn expert to assist you in deep technical and complex projects.

The Process



Fill out the form below, give us details of your data centers and get in contact with us



We meet and define the solution for your needs and find the possible license models



We deliver a detailed planning for your re-construction of the data centers, incl cost estimations


Get the license

We define the contractual definition of licensing period and usage and start directly saving OPEX costs for your company



Key KPIs of data centers
  • Savings cooling hardware
  • Maintenance for cooling
  • Reduced carbon emmission
  • Add. costs for cooling
  • High savings in OPEX

Data center

Water cooling

Data center

Sustenergy-Tec [Qub3]

Data center

Incl. back heat utilization

What is PUE?

Power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a ratio that describes how efficiently a computer data center uses energy; specifically, how much energy is used by the computing equipment (in contrast to cooling and other overhead). ... PUE is the inverse of data center infrastructure efficiency (DCIE).


How Much Does Running A Private Data Center Cost?

The average yearly cost to operate a large data center ranges from $10 million to $25 million. A little less than half is spent on hardware, software, disaster recovery, continuous power supplies and networking. Another large portion goes toward ongoing maintenance of applications and infrastructure.


Trends in the development of electricity prices

A generally higher level of wholesale prices for power in the years from 2025 onwards will lead to higher sales revenues for renewable energies. Due to the high share of fluctuating generation capacities electricity prices will become more volatile. Moreover, extremely high and extremely low prices will occur.

Wall Street Journal

Cloud Demand Drives Data Center Market to New Records

U.S. businesses last year paid for a record-high 396.4 megawatts of power in the country’s largest data-center markets, up 33% from 2018 amid soaring demand for cloud services, according to a report released Wednesday by real estate services firm CBRE Group Inc.